Please take the time to read my reviews, which are better at describing me than I am. And so...
Hi, My name is Vivian, and I consider myself to be naturally attractive, desirable, feminine, sincere, well-liked, and engaging. I'm a tiny hourglass-shaped Australian woman in my late twenties with seven years of erotic massage expertise. I adore my profession and am an expert at dialogue, touch, sensuality, teasing, and seduction. However, I am equally at ease serving you silently as I am speaking.
For optimal comfort and enjoyment, I have a specially designed massage table with two holes. In the "longer" engagements, I also like to execute some sensual under-the-table tricks and treats. I always experiment with my moves, so I provide more than your typical massage at a parlour. I already like entertaining regular customers, so I'm now focusing more on getting quality customers than numbers.
My massage technique is best described as a fusion of professional and sexy as I change positions to provide the most aesthetically attractive pictures. All I ask in exchange for these sensual and seductive glimpses is that you observe my body and refrain from touching my most delicate area (even though you really want to;) so that I can preserve it in its stunningly flawless state. You can be sure that I will let you handle my other priceless items as I wait for your cooperation.
Everything you need for a private, enjoyable, and thrilling experience is in my flat. After your final shower, my high-quality oil leaves no odour or trace. I'm sincerely looking forwards to giving you a 5-star experience.
Send me a text, and we can discuss your needs and schedule since I am flexible with my working hours. I do prefer reservations made in advance, but if the timings work, I can accept last-minute reservations.
They're genuine, by the way, and they're amazing!