An experienced romantic who is thriving in her divine feminine energy and open to receiving your divine masculine energy's benefits. to indulge, cherish, beguile, and satisfy each other.
I have a talent for spotting the wonder in others and in situations. inventive, driven, and curious. Absolutely excellent in every way. Everything about me, including my lingerie and the space I host from (which was the subject of my most recent photo session), is sensuous and lavish.
I am many things. educated, experienced, and driven by a desire for both professional and personal development. As long as I know what I want, I always get it. It's a magnetic energy that you simply must support and foster.
I love quality whisky, as well as healthy foods and degustations.
For me, happiness entails taking risks, traveling, and spending quality time in a wine- and spa-producing region.
creating memories for both of us.
I'm not bad at golf, but I could need some help. I've never been skydiving or snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, but I know I can do anything with you at my side.