Being a woman gives me confidence in my own skin and happiness with the sensual lines defining my body. Knowing that many people find significant interest in my D-cup breasts adds beauty to everything. My weight ranges from 51 to 55 kg, which suggests my resolve to maintain a healthy way of life.
Being a beautiful Asian friend, I understand how much people pay for appearances. Still, my physical attributes only help to define me somewhat. I am a woman of substance; I have a good heart and strong mind. I am compassionate, forgiving; I am always ready to provide someone in need a listening ear.
In my view, every woman ought to be confident and strong in her own body. All should encourage and welcome our self-love—that which results from appreciating our unique features and accepting of our curves. I am very happy to show the body I have been given; I am not ashamed of it.
Real beauty, in my opinion, comes from inside in a culture too often seeking to determine how women should look and behave. My confidence comes from inside and shines every place I enter. Not fitting society's narrow idea of beauty, I am most definitely me.
I thus exhord everyone who could be captivated by my looks to see past appearances. Find out about the woman behind the attractive D-cup breasts and elegant curves. You may discover that I am far more than first meets the sight.